Complications and
By Joshua Graham
In real life, we hate complications. We avoid them like the plague and pay good
money to eliminate them from our lives.
We do all this in the hopes of reducing stress, optimizing our work,
maximizing our time and productivity, and reducing drama. If we succeed, we are happy.
But if you’re reading a book that has managed to do the
same, you’ll be disappointed. Why? Because a story without complications may
sound like an ideal way to live, but to read about? It’s plain boring. If every at every turn, your character
succeeds, and only good things happen to her, soon enough you feel tired of
reading about it.
What makes reading a page-turning, keep you up all night
experience is when bad things happen to your beloved characters, and then even
worse things happen. Holiday Inn used to
have a slogan: “The best surprise is no surprise.” While that may be true of hotel quality, that
certainly does not apply to fiction. The
best surprises in a novel are not simply those which catch you completely off
guard—because anyone can throw a random monkey wrench into a plot—but rather,
those that make sense. You know, the ones that make you smack your
forehead and think, “Of COURSE! I should
have realized that!”
So the next time you are faced with a complication in life,
rather than get upset, try thinking about the character you wish to build in
your own life. After all, character is
defined by the tough choices we make under duress. Take your emotions and harness them into
action, taking responsibility, and becoming the character you wish to be.
Will you be a responder, who takes charge of his own life
and makes the best of a bad situation?
Or will you be a whiner who does nothing but complain about his bad
luck, how unfair everyone and life is, while waiting for people to soothe you
and commiserate?
As and author, I’ve learned that I can determine what a
character will be, based on their actions under duress, their tough
choices. But I’ve also learned that I
can chose my own real-life character, as long as I understand that my emotions
do not define me, but my choices and actions.
Think about what character you want to choose for yourself
About Josh
Connect with Josh at the following: